Our Strategic Intent

We will enable the advancement of education, employment and well-being for people with all disabilities.

Ability 2 Access wants to improve the following areas relating to disability:

  • Health
  • Business
  • Creative Arts
  • Children Support
  • Physical Access
  • Communications
  • Sporting Activities
  • Technologies
  • Learn from Experience

We want to learn, from an Unlocked Mapping Research Exercise Project, what has been achieved through legislation and implementation for people with disabilities in the UK, and especially those with physical disabilities.

Our Objectives

With the above in mind, our overall objectives are to identify and address, through the research, the following areas of concern for those with physical disabilities in the UK:

  1. The existing health resources
  2. Business support and entrepreneurial skills
  3. Enabling opportunities in the creative arts and technology areas
  4. Autism support for children, parents, teachers and carers (with SpecialKidz)
  5. Physical access for people with a variety of disabilities
  6. Sharing ways in which Information Technology and Artificial Intelligence overcomes communication disabilities
  7. Helping young people with disabilities’ sporting activities
  8. Help people with disabilities to understand what technology is available to support them